Successful organization of the 3rd EIU MCR
The EIU MCR Autonomous Car Programming Competition is organized annually by FabLab – EIU to create a platform for technology and engineering enthusiasts, where teams can compete and make new friends.
The EIU MCR Autonomous Car Programming Competition is organized annually by FabLab – EIU to create a platform for technology and engineering enthusiasts, where teams can compete and make new friends.
Trong chuyến kiến tập sinh viên Nhà trường đã đến các tập đoàn công nghệ như Hai Robotics, Schaefer SSI và Omron Automation Center
Professors Liaw Sok Ying and Laura Tham Schmidt from the National University of Singapore held a working session and exchanged experiences with lecturers, students from the Faculty of Nursing, and members of the Medical Project Committee.
In addition to participating in the workshop at EIU, Nanyang Polytechnic students visited several locations, including Block 71 – the technology startup hub, Makino Technical Center, and the VSIP industrial park.
These activities not only enhance students’ experiences but also facilitate knowledge accumulation, skill development, and networking with businesses while still in school.