Harmonizing with the joyful atmosphere across the country in commemoration of the 41st anniversary of Vietnamese Teacher’s Day on November 20, 2023, Eastern International University (EIU) organized a gathering to honor and express gratitude to the staff, lecturers, and specialists of the university. The program was attended by the university’s leadership, as well as heads of departments, units, and offices, along with officers, lecturers, specialists, alumni, and students of EIU.
During the event, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Huy – Vice President of EIU extended appreciation to the EIU community and emphasized: in the context of Industry 4.0 and advanced technology, the education sector in general, and each officer, lecturer, and specialist of the university, need to adapt and apply new teaching methods, embrace innovation, and, most importantly, equip students with the necessary skills for lifelong learning and development in a globalized and internationally integrated world. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Huy also expressed the desire for the EIU community to continue dedicating themselves, ceaselessly enhancing professional competence, personal development, innovating and improving teaching and evaluation methods in a dynamic, positive direction, creating the best conditions for students to develop into outstanding, globally minded citizens, rich in compassion and responsibility.
Dr. Nguyễn Ngọc Huy shared at the program
On this occasion, former students and current students of EIU expressed their gratitude and affection towards their teachers through various meaningful and engaging cultural performances, meticulously prepared by the students. Returning to visit EIU, Mr. Chung Thien Phuc – Alumni of Batch 2, Becamex Business School, fondly recalled many memories and valuable experiences during his time at EIU. He shared, ‘Now, no matter where we work or in what position, every generation of EIU alumni is always proud to be an EIU student. Many of us have established an alumni network, participating in annual activities and contributing to creating an environment of interaction, mutual support, and development for EIU students.’
Especially, in the warm and vibrant atmosphere of the program, teachers from various departments and offices exchanged greetings while wearing traditional Vietnamese Ao Dai. The performances were well-prepared, bringing moments of relaxation, joy, and excitement to the gathering, contributing to spreading traditional values and love for the Ao Dai to the staff, lecturers, and students of the university.
During the gathering, the organizing committee of the “My EIU” competition awarded certificates and prizes to participants who achieved outstanding results. “My EIU” is a platform for students to showcase their talents, express creativity, and share their thoughts about EIU, teachers, friends, and the learning process at the university through images and short videos.
The Vietnamese Teacher’s Day celebration was a great success, providing an opportunity for the EIU community to come together, reminisce, and share memories in teaching and learning. It was also a chance for EIU to express deep gratitude to those who quietly create beautiful flowers in life.
Here are some images at the program