BBS students explore personal branding techniques

This was the main activity and content of the “Personal branding for future success” workshop held on the morning of April 17, organised by the Becamex Business School at Eastern International University. The event attracted a large number of students from the department.

Dr. Kang Seung Won, Dean of the Becamex Business School, delivered the opening remarks for the program.

During the event, Professor Tarique Hossain from the Department of Business & Marketing at California Polytechnic State University (USA) shared with students, as well as faculty and staff of the department, about the importance of building a personal brand. Specific topics included: the necessity of personal branding; discovering and understanding one’s potential through the SWOT model; exploring methods to communicate one’s personal value to employers; and learning how to create a Personal Online Portfolio (POP) on platforms like LinkedIn, personal websites, and Instagram.

Professor Tarique Hossain delivered his presentation via Google Meeting

Discussing the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) model, Professor Hossain explained that using this model is very meaningful in exploring personal potential. By applying the SWOT model, individuals can analyse their strengths and weaknesses, thereby devising a strategic plan and roadmap for sensible personal development.

Participation in workshops and events across various fields with domestic and international experts is an academic activity that the Becamex Business School focuses on and regularly implements for its students. Through these activities, the department hopes students will absorb and refine their knowledge alongside the specialised content they learn at the university. The department plans to continue collaborating with specialised units and experts to organise more workshops for its students in the future.

Some images from the seminar