π EIU on March 26, 2022 welcomed students from Duc Tri School in Binh Duong province and Viet Anh High School in Ho Chi Minh City to EIU in its campus tour program.
π The visiting students, with their excitement, took turn in experiencing many interesting activities at EIU units such as Fablab (fabrication laboratory), 4.0 technology experiment room, STEM Classroom, Library, Business Incubator, practice rooms, laboratories, as well as classrooms at faculties.
π The junior visitors heard EIU lecturers from different faculties share information on EIU majors, study process at the international university, career development opportunities for students after graduation. They had many questions about EIU training programs, and scholarships they can win.
In 2022, EIU offers three main admission channels namely:
βοΈ Channel 1: Admissions based on the results of the high school graduation exam in 2022
βοΈ Channel 2: Admissions based on academic records from high school
π Based on 12th grade results
π Based on academic records from 5 semesters (semesters 1 & 2 of Grade 10, semesters 1 & 2 of Grade 11, semester 1 of Grade 12)
βοΈ Channel 3: Admissions based on the results of the National University Ho Chi Minh City Competency Assessment exam in 2022.
π©βπ In addition, to encourage candidates who have been admitted to EIU with good results, EIU also offers many valuable scholarships such as: Incentive Scholarship VND10,000,000 each, Talent Scholarship VND20,000,000 each, Full Scholarship from VND102,500,000 to VND122,500,000 for Nursing and the groups of Engineering, and Information Technology.
β€οΈ The campus tours for Duc Tri School and Viet Anh High School were very fruitful. The junior students got to learn interesting things, obtained lots of useful information to help them in selecting appropriate university majors in the near future.