Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

Proudly serve the community

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Admission Information

Admission Information 2022 of Eastern International University

Why choose EIU?

EIU considers admission by two methods: Candidates can use one of the following two methods to apply for admission

Tuition Fee & Scholarships

Information on tuition fees and scholarships of Eastern International University


Answer questions from students and parents about the training program and student life

EIU Life on Campus

Information about activities, clubs, student union association, jobs to support students


The School Of Engineering joyfully welcomes the K2024 new students with various activities

These activities not only enhance students' experiences but also facilitate knowledge accumulation, skill development, and networking with businesses while still in school.

The School Of Nursing enthusiastically welcomes new students at their first interaction event

Exciting, informative, and practical were the common impressions of the new students at the School Of Nursing's welcome event held on September 11th, 2024.

The School Of Computing and Information Technology welcomes new students

On September 10, the new students from the Information Technology (IT) Department at Eastern International University (EIU) immersed themselves in a lively and cheerful atmosphere and gathered useful information to prepare for their upcoming academic journey during the welcome event organized by the School Of Computing and Information Technology .